Rahara N.S. Newsletter April 2013
Senior Room
Pupils in the senior room have started their novel, Carrie’sWar, by Nina Bawden. We are reading and responding to the historical fictional novel and watching the BBC drama, “Carrie’s War”.
Junior Room
The junior room are learning anIrish song “Fáilte Romhat”. We are really enjoying our class novel “Charlotte’s Web”. The boys and girls are learning about space and planet Earth. We are starting to make paper maché planets!
2nd class are busy preparing for their First Holy Communion.
Roscommon Primary Schools 5-a-side soccer will takeplace on Wednesday 24th April in Lecarrow county grounds for senior pupils. We will be leaving at 10am and returning at 2pm. Any parents who would be available to givelifts to and from the event please let me know. Thank you.
Congratulations to pupils who received their first confessions recently and to sixth class who were confirmed last week.
Public Health Nurse
PHN will visit Jnr infants & 6th class in coming days. Please return HSE forms for the PHN.
Our last swimming session takesplace on Thursday 25th April. Please return all outstanding swim fees to school by 25th April. The cost is €40 per pupil.
After School Clubs
The After School Clubs are underway
Baking & French Clubs run on Mondays for 4 weeks:
15th, 22nd, 29th April & 13th May.
Soccer and Science Clubs will run o nMondays for 4 weeks:
20th, 27th May& 10th, 17th June.
Open Evening for New Enrolments
There will be and open evening for new enrolments on Thursday 16th May @ 6pm. All new entrants are invited along with their parents to meet the staff.
Green Flag Biodiversity
We had a very successful visit from our Green Flag inspector, Marian Parker. She gave us very positive feedback after the inspection. We are still awaiting the official letter of renewal. We hope to have a cermony to celebrate the new flag for Biodiversity on Friday 14th June. All parents & family will be invited, so keep your diary free!
Easter Raffle
Congratulations to Michael Connaughton who won the hamper in our Easter raffle. Thanks to all who sold lines and supported the raffle, we raised €956.90 for the school.
Discover PrimaryScience & Maths
Ms Malone and pupils are busy preparing our Discovery Primary Science project.
Prize Winners
We had three prize winners in the Garda Síochána Road SafetyPoster competition: 1st Alana O’Malley, 2nd ClodaghKeenan, 3rd Chloe McDonnell. Presentation of prizes will take place on Monday 20th May @11am in the Convent Primary School Roscommon. The overall winner will be announced on the day. Good luck to our winners!
Dates for your Diary
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 5th May 2013 at 10am
School closure
The school will be closed on Monday 6th May (bank holiday) & Tuesday 7th May (school holiday)