Senior Room
The senior room are busy practicing persuasive writing and doing debates.
The 5th & 6th class maths set are learning about money and converting Euro into different currencies.
The 3rd & 4th class maths set are busy learning about 2-D shapes and angles.
5th & 6th classes went to see a production of “Grease” which was staged by Summerhill and St Aloysius colleges. They have learned some of the songs from the musical.
Amnesty International- Friendship week
The school is currently celebrating Friendship week which is Amnesty International Ireland’s annual celebration of friendship, solidarity and human rights. The pupils will be learning about friendship and human rights. There are friendship bracelets on sale in the school for €2 each.
The pupils are collecting materials to create a friendship quilt.
Junior Room
In Maths, Aaron is busy measuring using lollipop sticks! Pupils are busy recording the daily temperature and rainfall as part of our Science Flag.
2nd class are currently preparing for their first confession and are learning their prayers.
We are focusing on how to write and explanation in English and all classes in the Junior room are asked to write interesting sentences using the grammar that they learned.
As part of our Science award we are participating in the Greenwave programme. We are asking pupils to look out for signs of Spring in Rahara and to take a photograph of one of the following:
-Horse Chestnut bud bursting
-Hawthorn bud bursting
-Ash bud bursting
To learn more log onto
Staff Meeting
There will be a staff meeting on Wednesday 26th February from 2 – 4 pm. All children will be going home from school at 2pm on that day.
Parent/Teacher meetings
The parent/teacher meetings have been postponed until the week of 3rd – 7th March. Same day and times applies for each family. Please contact us if those days and times don’t suit. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade fortnight begins on Monday 24th February. As part of our Green Schools programme we hope to make Rahara NS a Fairtrade school! During Fairtrade fortnight pupils will be learning about the fairtrade mark. We are asking pupils & parents to look out for fairtrade label on food/clothes when out shopping.
Dates for Diary
First Confession will take place on 26th March @7:30pm in Rahara church.
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 4th May @10am in Rahara church.
Confirmation will take place on Wednesday 30th April 2014 @ 11am in Knockcroghery church.
Mid-Term Break
We are taking a five day Mid-Term break this year. We finish @3pm on Friday 14th February and re-open on Monday 24th February at 9:20am.
Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons for all pupils will begin on Thursday 27th February and end on 10th April (7 lessons). A letter regarding same has been sent home to all families.