Staff Meeting
School will finish at 2pm for All Classes on Thursday 25th October to facilitate a staff meeting. Please note change of date.
Library Visit
All pupils will visit Roscommon Library on Friday morning. The school will provide lifts to and from the venue. If your child is already a member, please bring his/her card to the school on Friday. If your child is not a member, please fill in the green membership card and bring to school on Friday. We will provide the cards in school on Thursday.
Maths Week 2012
Maths week will take place in Rahara NS next week 15th – 19th October. All classes will participate in Maths week activities.
Soccer and Hurling training will take place on Tuesdays for all classes.
Gaelic training will take place on Wednesdays for all classes.
School Uniforms
Please ensure that your child wears their uniform to school every day. The Uniform is as follows:
Girls: Navy jumper, grey pinafore/skirt, blue t-shirt
Boys:Navy jumper, grey pants, blue t-shirt.
On PE days (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) pupils may wear plain dark grey/navy/black tracksuit bottoms (No logos or stripes)
Please label all items of the uniform to avoid confusion.
Safer Cycling Initiative
Cycle training for 2nd – 6th classes will take place in school on Friday 9th November. The SCI will provide bikes, helmets and waterproof clothing if required. The duration of the course is 4 hours. The cost per child is €20, however, Roscommon County Council will pay €10 towards the price. Therefore, the cost to parents is €10 per child. Please return money to the school in an envelope marked S.C.I.
Mid – Term Break
School will close at 3pm on Friday 26th October for Halloween. Pupils can wear Halloween costumes to school on that day. School will re-open on Monday 5th November.