Sports training
Hurling continues to take place every Tuesday with Proinsias, weather permitting.
Soccer takes place every Wednesday with Bernice for all pupils.
Athletics in Athlone TUS will commence on Tuesday 9th of April for 6 weeks for all classes.
French Lessons: French lessons will take place in Term 3 for pupils in 2nd - 6th class with our tutor Lesa Rice through the Primary Languages Initiative. The children are getting a fantastic opportunity to sample a new language & culture. They look forward to learning all about France.
Cash for Clobber: We have another Cash for Clobber Collection on Monday 8th of April. We are currently collecting bags of unwanted clothes, paired shoes, handbags, towels, curtains, and bedding. NO duvets or pillows please. These will be taken away by Cookstown Textile Recyclers and will be re-used and recycled. The school will receive money for these bags based on weight. Your support is greatly appreciated! Bags can be left in our school shelter from Friday 5th of April.
Catholic Schools week took place on Sunday 21st to Friday 26th of January. The theme for the week was “Catholic Schools: Communities of Service”. Rahara NS was once again filled with excitement on Thursday 25th of January when we celebrated Grandparents Day. Thank you to all grandparents for playing such a special role in the lives of our pupils and well done to the children for all their preparations for such a special day. They did a fantastic job on all the lovely baked treats and provided entertainment for their grandparents.
Well done to all the children who made their First Confessions in St. John’s Church on Tuesday 12th of March. A special word of thanks to Fr. Ray, Fr. Michael and teachers who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation with the children.
Wellbeing Wednesday
The children enjoyed having Wellbeing Wednesday on the day after their First Confession. They wore their pj’s to school and brought in their teddies and blankets. They also baked treats in the kitchen and took part in relaxation and mindfulness activities.
We were thrilled to have been successful in our STEM grant application for €10,000 before Christmas. We have yet to receive the final instalment of the grant. To date we have spent the grant money on outdoor Meggo blocks and Vex Robotics for all classes. This will further develop & promote STEM learning in our school.
Pancake Tuesday
Ms. Watson & the senior class pupils treated the children to pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. The children had great fun flipping their pancakes and enjoyed putting on their own toppings in our “café” in the school hall!
World Book Day Thursday 7th of March
Pupils dressed as characters from their favourite books. Well done to all children for bringing in their books to school and sharing their books with other children through Show & Tell. There was lots of exciting activities on the day! Thank you to Dee Dee for providing entertainment to the children in the afternoon. Our draw for our Reading Awareness month took place on Friday 22nd of March. Well done to Tessa from the junior room and Simon from the senior room who were thrilled to receive their prizes
CBS Variety Show
The senior room enjoyed a fantastic morning out on Monday 11th of March at the Roscommon CBS Variety Show which was put on by their transition year students. The children thoroughly enjoyed the Talent Show and were delighted for the invite.
Board of Management
The new Board of Management has commenced it’s term. Our new Board Members are: Fr. Ray Milton, Aoife Mc Gowan, Niamh Watson, Breege Kenny, Jacinta Naughton, Laurence Fallon, Tom Carney and Michael Beattie.
Hot School Meals
Our school has been included in the Hot School Meals Programme, beginning in April. This is a free service for all children. ‘The Lunch Bag’ has been awarded the contract for our school. Please see emails for further information on the roll out of this initiative.
Parent’s Association
The Parents Association are holding a cake sale and Easter egg hunt in the school hall at 11 am on Easter Sunday (after mass). This is to raise funds that will go towards school equipment. The Parent’s Association would appreciate any help that you can provide, with baking and making tea/ coffee on the day! There will also be an Easter egg hunt, cake sale and Easter raffle with fantastic prizes. It will be a lovely fun morning for all the family to enjoy and we appreciate all your help to raise money for our school.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge: Bhí spórt agus craic againn sa scoil i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge ó 11ú go 18ú Márta 2024. Bhí a lán gníomhaíochtaí ar siúl sna ranganna - ceol, amhráin, cluichí, gníomhíochtaí scríobhneoireachta agus éisteachta, rincí, Tráth na gCeist agus Lá Glas. Bhí sé an-dheas ár dteanga dhúchais agus ár gcultúr a fheiceáil agus a chloisteáil timpeall na scoile. Seachtain na Gaeilge provided the children with an opportunity to experience our language and our culture in a fun way.
Dates for your diary
· Friday 22nd - School closed at 12:00 for the Easter Holidays for all pupils.
· Easter Sunday – Parent’s Association Easter Raffle and bake Sale at 11:00 in our school.
· Monday 8th April - School reopens for Term 3
· Monday 8th April – Cash for Clobber Collection
· Tuesday 9th April - Athletics commences in Athlone TUS for all pupils.
· Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday Monday
· Sunday 12th May – First Holy Communion at 10:00 mass
· Monday 3rd June – Bank Holiday Monday
· Friday 7th June – School closed for Polling (to be confirmed)
· Tuesday 11th June – School Tour – Lilliput
· Friday 21st June – School Closes at 12:00 for the Summer Holidays
Note from Principal & Staff
I wish to express our appreciation to all the parents and the Parent’s Association who have helped and supported us with our Open Day. I am especially grateful to the children that helped on the day and to all parents who have helped with posters, flyers & sharing our Facebook posts. Thank you!