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On Thursday 21st February the pupils of the senior room, Principal and SNA, from Rahara National School went skiing on artificial snow in Kilternan, Co. Dublin. We wanted to go skiing because we saw it on the news. We set off from Rahara around 9.30am. We ate a snack on the bus and we had a lot of fun. Natashia, Ali and I played on our DS’s. We arrived at the Ski Club of Ireland at 11.30 am.


Firstly we measured ourselves and weighed ourselves for our skis. After that we got our ski boots and our skis. Our instructor’s names were Len, Hugh and John. They led us out to the artificial nursery slope. The first exercise we did was walk around in a circle. Chloe was the first person to fall! We then went halfway up the mountain. We made V-shapes with our skis to ski down the mountain. I fell over a lot of times. We all did that for a while!


When we got good at skiing, we got to go up the travellator and ski down a bigger mountain. We got a couple of turns on the travellator. When everyone was ready, we took a group photo. We then walked back to the cabin and ate our lunch. There was a vending machine there but I didn’t get anything because I am off chocolate for lent.


We got a big surprise because we didn’t know we were going tubing. Tubing is where you go and sit in a rubber doughnut and you get pushed down the slope. 5th and 6th classes brought the tubes. We paired up, my partner was Emma. We took turns going on the tube and going down the slope. We had to go on the travellator to get up the mountain. We also had a couple of turns at this. We didn’t have time to take group photo of the pupils and their tubes.


We walked slowly back to the cabin because we were wrecked. We handed back our skis and ski boots. We went to the toilet before we travelled on the bus. I sat beside Natasha and we sat near the back. We looked at the skiing magazine that we had got. Natasha and I ate sweets and biscuits on our way back to Rahara. We listened to music too. It was the best day ever and I will definitely go skiing again.


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