On behalf of all school staff, I wish to welcome all pupils back to school for the school year 2022/2023. A special welcome to our new Junior Infants and new entrants to other classes. We wish you many happy days with us, in Rahara National School.
Staff: Ms. Aoife Mc Gowan – Principal & Junior Room teacher
Ms. Niamh Watson – Deputy Principal & Senior Room teacher
Ms. Kathy Dolan – Shared Special Education teacher (SET)
Mr. Oliver Connaughton – Covers Principal Admin Days (every Friday in the junior room)
Mr. Padraig Lohan – Caretaker
Ms. Lynda Pearce - Secretary
Board of Management: Fr. Ray Milton P.P., Ms. Breege Kenny, Ms. Marie Moran, Mr. Tom Carney, Mr. Laurence Fallon, Ms. Niamh Watson Ms. Aoife Mc Gowan.
School Day: Junior & Senior Infants 9.20 - 2.00; 1st to 6th 9.20 - 3.00
Afterschool: Monday – Thursday 3:15-4:30
Absenteeism / Attendance: In the event of your child being absent please telephone (090) 66623393 or email raharans@gmail.com All pupils will be sent home with a form on their return to school after an absence to be filled in & returned to the class teacher once it has been filled in. We are obliged to inform (TUSLA) the statutory education Welfare services of the child and family agency if a child has missed 20 days or more in a school year. For further information, see www.tusla.ie
Communication: The school uses the Aladdin online text service facility to communicate important messages to parents. Accordingly, it is especially important that we have an up-to-date mobile number for you. Our text facility does not allow for replies so please email or phone the school (090) 6623393 if you wish to contact us. An emergency contact number should also be written in your child’s journal. Please let us know if your home / email address has changed.
Seesaw: The teachers will use the Seesaw, or school email for communicating with you. You can also message the teacher (Monday to Friday) via Seesaw
School Website: The school website www.rahara.com contains a lot of useful information. The school calendar is also on it, and it is regularly updated with key events.
Safety: Children must wait inside the school grounds until their parent/guardian comes to the gate/front wall to collect them. Pupils are not allowed to swing/climb on the bars in front of the school front door.
Allergies / Lunch: We have children with severe food allergies. In the interest of these children’s well-being, parents are asked not to include nuts in their child’s lunch. The school has a healthy lunch policy. Children should bring their own drinks to school i.e., water, milk. One small treat is allowed on Friday’s. Teachers will bring in a tray bake for pupils’ birthdays that fall during school time. We ask parents not to send in extra buns/sweets and to adhere to our healthy eating policy.
Pupils attending Afterschool may avail of kitchen facilities after 3:00 only. Rahara N.S participates in the Green Schools Initiative, and we encourage families to cut down on single-use plastics such as cling film etc. All pupils must bring home their daily food/waste/packaging from their lunches.
Food Dudes: We are continuing with the Food Dudes healthy eating programme. Pupils will continue to receive stickers and certificates when they eat a portion of fruit and vegetables.
Music Generation: Music Generation will take place every Monday at 9:30 for all classes. Please bring instruments to school every Monday.
School Uniform: Our school uniform should be worn at all times and consists of the following: Navy crested jumper/cardigan available at www.myschooljumper.ie , grey pinafore/skirt/pants & blue t-shirt. On PE days pupils may wear plain navy tracksuit bottoms, plain navy, or crested round-necked sweater with a short-sleeved blue polo shirt underneath (No Logos/brands/stripes). Please label all items of the uniform to avoid confusion. All pupils must have a mouth guard/gum shield for football (Please ensure it is correctly fitted and moulded before they bring it to school). Please note that the following items of clothing are not allowed – hoody; branded top/bottom; football jersey.
Photographs / Videos: During the year photographs & videos of children involved in school activities e.g., sport, music etc. may appear on the class dojo, school website or in the local newspaper. If you have any reservations, please contact the school.
County Photos: County Photos will visit our school on Monday 26th of September. Please wear full school uniform on this day and bring P.E. clothes to change into for hurling. Thank you
Hurling lessons will commence for all pupils on Monday 26th September from 11:30-12:30. Please wear P.E. uniform every Monday & Wednesday.
Football training
Football training takes place every Wednesday until the October midterm. Pupils must wear gum shields. Please ensure that these have been ‘moulded’ before you bring them to school and that the box/container is clearly marked with your child’s name to prevent confusion.
School Closures
School will close at 15:00 on Friday 28th October for the mid-term break and re-open on Monday 7th of November. There will be three half day school closures to facilitate teacher training for the new Primary Language Curriculum. One half day closure in term 1 (November/December), a second in term 2 and our final one in term 3. Dates will be communicated with parents closer to the time.
Cash For Clobber
Please start collecting any old clothing, shoes, household textiles and handbags (no duvets or pillows) We hope to exchange the above for cash. This is a wonderful way to fundraise for our school whilst raising awareness of textile recycling amongst children. Please do not send in clobber until we have been notified of a collection date--- so get collecting!
Please check your child’s hair for headlice. If there is lice present, please treat and comb your child’s hair. If you ever find headlice please inform the staff, asap and we will ask parents to check their child’s hair.
Bus transport
The cost of hiring buses is ever increasing and is one of the biggest expenses in our school budget. We are asking parents to contribute towards bus trips.
Beauty & the Beast
All pupils will attend Roscommon Arts Centre on Wednesday 28th of September at 11:45 to watch Roscommon Community College’s production of Beauty and the Beast. There will be no Gaelic training on this day and all pupils must wear their full school uniform. We hope to attend Roscommon Fire station before the show. Times have yet to be finalised.
First Confession will take place on Wednesday 15th March at 19:30 for Rahara N.S. and Glanduff N.S. in St. John’s Church, Lecarrow.
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 14th May at 10:00 mass for Rahara N.S. in the Church of Mary Immaculate, Rahara.