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Welcome to Rahara National School!

Enrolment for New School Year 2025 - 2026

Annual Admissions Notice 2025-2026
Please click on the above link for our Annual Admissions Notice for the 2025-2026 school year. We continue to accept enrolments across all class levels.
If your child is scheduled to start school in September 2025 or if you are contemplating changing schools, please come and visit Rahara NS. We have a lot to offer including a Afterschool Club which runs, Monday-Thursday and Morning Club which runs from Monday - Friday.
To give you a flavour of life in Rahara National School, please visit the 'News' section of our website. Scroll down to see all that happens - it is a busy place! If you have any queries or require further details, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Check out our school Newsletters, Facebook page for all the latest information on all the wonderful goings on in Rahara National School.
Upcoming Events
Fáilte go Scoil Náisiúnta Rath Aradh.
We extend a warm welcome to you and your child. It is our aim that your child will be extremely happy in our school and will achieve their full potential. There is a strong sense of community and a high level of cooperation between staff, pupils and parents.
Our school is situated in County Roscommon in the 'Heart of Ireland'. Thank you for taking the time to visit us. We hope you enjoy our website. To learn more about our school please click on the links. We are always delighted to hear feedback from people who view our site
Latest News
Open Day for Junior Infant & New Entrant Enrolments to take place in school on Saturday 8th February 2025 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. All welcome to come and see what our wonderful school has to offer!
School will reopen on Monday 6th of January.
All pupils will attend 10:00 mass in Rahara Church on Monday January 6th
Roscommon Clay Pottery will do a clay tile painting workshop in school with all children on Thursday January 16th.
Confirmation pupils will attend a retreat in Knock on Monday 13th of January.
School closed at 12:00 for the Christmas holidays on Friday 20th of December.
Our Christmas play, A Midwife Crisis', took place in our school hall on Wednesday 18th @ 12:00. We had a great crowd in attendance. Well done to the children for organising & make treats for afterwards. All money raised was donated to Roscommon Hospice.
All pupils attended mass in Rahara at 10:00 on Monday 9th of December to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Rahara Tidy Towns & Development held their annual 'Rahara Christmas Lighting Party' on December 8th @ 16:30 at Rahara Old Church. All are welcome.
Pupil's attended 'A Christmas Carol' in Roscommon Arts Centre on Friday 6th of December. Afterwards we went to Supermacs for lunch.