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December Newsletter 2022

Christmas Holidays

School closes for the Christmas Holidays at 12:00 on Wednesday 21st December and re-opens on Thursday 5th January 2022


Parent Teacher Meetings

I wish to thank all parents/guardians and staff for your co-operation during our recent Parent/Teaching meetings in November.

Book Bills

Thank you to all parents who have paid their book bills.


Swimming Lessons will commence on Thursday 12th of January between 11:00-11:50 in Roscommon pool for 7 weeks. More information on fees will be communicated in the New Year.


Bricks 4 Kidz will visit our school to carry out two Lego workshops with the children at 9:30 on Wednesday 11th January.


Advent calendar

This year’s Advent Calendar was a great success which included lots of fun and treats. Some of the activities that took place: pyjamas day, pizza making, no homework, cookie decorating, art all day, Christmas annuals, boom whackers, Christmas jumper day, hot chocolate, extra break time, no Friday test, Mc Donald’s and a ‘Great Big Christmas Quiz’ hosted by Mr. Connaughton!


All pupils attended mass in Rahara Church on 8th of December to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. All staff & pupils will attend 10:00 mass in Rahara on Friday 6th of January 2023.


Inspectorate Visit

Our assigned Inspector visited our school on Thursday 8th of December. Well done to all staff and pupils for representing Rahara N.S. during this full day Incidental Inspection and we are thrilled with the positive feedback that we received.


We are obliged to inform (TUSLA) the statutory Educational Welfare services of the child and family agency if a child has missed 20 days or more in the school year. If your child cannot attend school please provide the school with a written note or email outlining the reason for the absence. For further information see Thank you to all parents for filling in the absence record sheet. These record sheets will be sent home with each pupil for the remainder of the school year to record all absences.

BLAST Artist in Residency


Music Generation

Paul Shanagher from Music Generation continues to visit our school every Monday at 09:30. Each classroom gets a 45-minute music lesson. All pupils may bring their instruments home to practice them. Please make sure that they are brought back into school every Monday. Thank you.



All pupils attended their final athletics training session in Athlone TUS on Wednesday 14th of December. Afterwards the children were treated to a Mc Donald’s.


French Lessons

We are delighted to be taking part in the ‘Say Yes to Languages’ primary language programme commencing in term two. Pupils in the senior room will be learning French with French tutor Lesa Rice starting on Monday 16th January.


The HSE Nurse visited our school on Tuesday 6th December to carry out school health screening with pupils in junior infants and all new entrants. If you have any concerns about your child, the nurses contact details can be obtained through the school


School Uniforms

Please ensure that your child wears their uniform to school every day in the New Year. The Uniform is as follows: Crested navy jumper, grey pinafore/skirt/trousers & blue t-shirt. On PE days pupils may wear plain navy tracksuit bottoms (No logos, stripes, hoodies or zip up jumpers/hoodies) Please label all items of the uniform to avoid confusion


PLC School Closure

There will be one half day school closure during term two to facilitate teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. The date for this will be communicated with you in the coming weeks.


After School Club

After School Club will resume with Teresa Nally on Monday 9th January. Please ensure that if your child attends After School that they are collected @ 4:30 sharp. All After School club fees are to be paid to Ms. Watson at the start of each week. Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack for After School Club as this is part of our schools Healthy Eating Policy.

Rahara Tidy Towns Committee

Well done to Rahara Tidy Towns Committee & all involved who did an amazing job lighting up Rahara as well as the fantastic work that they have done in the community over the past year.

We wish you all a very Happy, Peaceful & Healthy Christmas & New Year and thank you for your continued support



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