Rahara N.S
We are obliged to inform (Tusla) the statutory Educational Welfare services of the child and family agency,
if a child has missed 20 days or more in the school year. If your child cannot attend school please provide the
school with a written note or email outlining the reason for the absence. For further information see www.tusla.ie
Artist in Schools
Our school was selected to take part in the Artist in Schools Scheme 2020/21. This programme funds an artist to work
with the pupils for 15 hours over a term. Local Kiltoom Artist, Louise Shine came to our school and worked with the
children to create cyanotypes, futuristic flying vehicles and an imagined 2080 village. Louise also covered art history
and we were inspired by our Green Schools theme of Global Citizenship – Travel while making sure we used recycled
materials for our creations.
Clár Grant
Thank you to Laurence Fallon for securing funding for Digital Speed Safety Lights, the renewal of road markings and a
Ball Stopping Net Structure for our school. We welcom these improvements around our school and community to
make it a safe and happy environment.
We are delighted to welcome Mrs. Kathy Dolan to our staff as Special Education Teacher. Mrs Dolan will teach in RaharaMonday-Thursday and is alsoavailable to meet with parents.
We are also delighted to have Ms. Michelle Kelly teaching in the Senior Room.
Padraig Lohan will continue his role as cleaner/caretaker for the coming year.
Patricia Finneran will continue as secretary and will be here and Monday and Wednesday afternoons.
Hurling training continues to take place every Monday at 2:00. Please ensure your child wears/brings PE gear on those days. Sanitised hurls
and helmets will be provided but pupils may bring their own if they wish.
All pupils took part in the Agrikids Webinar in November. The junior room had a story and then learned all about animal
behaviour and animal safety including behaviours in dogs, cats, bulls and horses. The senior room learned about farm machinery and
vehicles. All pupils discussed and learned the importance of safety signage.
Cycle Right
All pupils took part in three cyclev workshops with Noel Feeley from Roscommon Sports Partnership in November/December as part of
our Green Schools Travel flag. We hope to have one more workshop with Noel in the New Year.
Cash for Clobber
Thank you to everyone who collected and donated their clobber at the end of November. It was a great success and our collection
came to a total of 780kg. This is a great way to fundraise for our school whilst raising awareness of textile recycling amongst children.
We recently received a cheque for €312 for our collection.
Toy Show Treats
Big thank you to Helena and Carly who made ‘goody bags’ for all pupils for the Late Late Toy Show. All children were delighted with their bags and it was a lovely gesture to make it an extra special show!
Science Week 2020
Science week 2020 took place between 5 – 9 November. The pupils were very busy investigating chemical reactions to inflate
balloons, make Oobleck and volcanic eruptions. They also made a drinks dispenser and had lots of fun working in pairs/groups.
County Photos
A photographer will visit our school on Tuesday 12th January. Pupils are requested to be in full school uniform.
Christmas Holidays
School will close on Tuesday 22nd December at 12:30 for Christmas holidays and re-open on Wednesday 6th January 2021.
Homework Club
Homework Club is a big success this year and we are delighted with our tutor, Teresa Nally. Please ensure that if your child attends Homework Club
that your child is collected @ 4:30pm SHARP. All Homework Club fees to be paid to Mrs. Mc Gowan at the start of each week. Please ensure yourchild brings a healthy snack for Homework Club as this is part of our schools Healthy Eating Policy.
School Uniforms
Please ensure that your child wears their uniform to school every day. The Uniform is as follows:
Girls: Navy jumper, grey pinafore/skirt, blue t-shirt
Boys:Navy jumper, grey pants, blue t-shirt.
On PE days (Monday) pupils may wear plain dark grey/navy/black tracksuit bottoms (No logos or stripes)
Please label all items of the uniform to avoid confusion.
Parent Teacher Meeting.
Parent teacher Meetings will take place in the New Year. Dates and times are yet to be confirmed.
We wish you all a very peaceful and Happy Christmas
and thank you all for your continued support.