Senior Room
We are busy practicing persuasive writing and debating.
The 5th & 6th maths set are learning averages and the 3rd & 4th set are learning division.
We are busy learning Irish verbs.
We are learning about China and will celebrate the Chinese New Year on Friday 31st January.
We are looking forward to starting Tag Rugby.
Junior Room
Pupils in the junior room are busy learning all about teeth. They will investigate the work of a dentist.
They will also investigate the effects of different drinks on hard boiled eggs.
Pupils are learning about the food pyramid and what foods make up a balanced diet.
2nd class are learning prayers for their first confession.
Gwen Malone will be attending a course in UCD for the next four weeks. Odette Petit will be the substitute LSRT teacher from Monday 20th January.
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools week takes place from 27th -31st January.
During that week we will be focusing on places of faith and learning.
Tag Rugby training will start on Monday 20th January for 7 weeks. Steve Gregory form Connaught Rugby will train the pupils. Please ensure pupils wear PE gear and bring boots to school every Monday.
Dates for Diary
First Confession will take place on 26th March @7:30pm in Rahara church.
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 4th May @10am in Rahara church.
Confirmation will take place on Wednesday 30th April 2014 @ 11am in Knockcroghery church.
Mid-Term Break
We are taking a five day Mid-Term break this year. We finish @3pm on Friday 14th February and re-open on Monday 24th February at 9:20am.
Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons for all pupils will begin on Thursday 27th February and end on 10th April (7 lessons). A letter regarding same has been sent home to all families. Please return the consent form before the lessons begin.