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Newsletter January/February 2018


One Good Idea 2018

Congratulations to our senior pupils who have made it to the semi-finals stage of the One Good Idea competition. Only 20 teams have been selected nationwide and 2 of them are from our school! Well done and keep up the great work!

Open Evening

Our Open Evening will take place on Thursday 8th February between 6-7pm. Please spread the word in the parish!

Safer Internet Day 2018

All pupils will participate in Safer Internet Day activities on Tuesday 6th February. have some fantastic resources for parents including the ‘Parent’s Guide to a Better Internet’.

Green Schools EXPO 2018

The senior pupils will travel to the RDS on Thursday 22nd February to showcase their project ‘Zebra Mussels- An Alien Invasion’. The pupils are very busy researching, investigating and gathering information about the invasive species. There were only 12 projects selected countrywide to exhibit at the RDS! Another big success story for our school. The bus will depart at 7am and return at approx. 8pm.

CRAFT-ed Project 2018

Rahara NS has been selected to participate in the CRAFT-ed project. CRAFT-ed is the Design and Arts Council of Ireland’s Primary school visual arts based education programme. An artist/craftsperson will visit our school for 10 sessions to create a project with the pupils. Mrs. Costello will attend In-service next Wednesday evening 7th February between 5-7:30pm to meet the artist and plan the collaborative art project. This is a wonderful opportunity for the pupils of our school.

School Photos

Please return all photos and monies, if purchasing, to school by Wednesday 7th February.

Primary Language Curriculum Day/School Closure

There will be no school on Tuesday 20th February 2018 as the staff will be attending mandatory Primary Language Curriculum In-Service training in Athlone Education Centre. This has been sanctioned by the BOM.

Confirmation Retreat

The 6th class pupils will travel to Knock on Friday 9th February to participate in a Confirmation Retreat. The bus will depart from Knockcroghery NS at 8:30am sharp and return at approx. 4:15pm. Ms. Irwin, Ballymurray NS, will accompany our pupils.

The cost of the retreat is €10. Each child should bring this money with them on the day. There will be food in Supermac’s Roscommon on the way home. The cost of the bus and Supermac’s is paid by the parish.

Cake Sale

A cake sale will take place in our school on Sunday 11th February following 10am mass. All proceed go to the Alzheimer’s Association. Please support!

TY Student

Clodagh Keenan, past pupil, will carry out work experience in our school from 5th-9th February.

Mid-Term Break

School will close on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February for Mid-term Break.

Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons will continue until Monday 19th February. The cost of the lessons is €50 per pupil. Please return money to school at your convenience.

Parent and Toddler Group

Our PTG meets every Friday, during term time, in the school hall between 10-12pm. Please spread the word.


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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

Tel: 090 6623393 Email:

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