Senior Room
The senior room are busy learning about Irish Aid and preparing a project for the World Aid Awards. This is in conjunction with our “Global citizenship” theme for our next Green flag in 2015. We have been creating brochures and the 5th & 6th maths set are currently learning about length. The 3rd & 4th maths set are learning about time.
The pupils will be learning Samba Drumming between 10th – 28th March.
Junior Room
Pupils in the junior room had great fun making and eating pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. Pupils are busy investigating weight and capacity in maths. We are learning about Zacchaeus in preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this month. Pupils are learning about Malawi and the importance of water in our daily routine. They are enjoying listening to the story of “The Twits” and are looking forward to Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Late Arrivals/Absences
Pupils will be marked absent on the roll book if he/she is not present in school at 10:30am. (Dept. of Ed, circular 28/2013) Please ensure your child arrives to school at 9:20am, as late arrival causes disruption. We thank parents for adhering to the 9:20am arrival time.
Fairtrade Friday
All pupils are learning about Fairtrade in our school this week. We hope to achieve a “Fairtrade School” flag. On Friday we will have “morning tea/coffee/hot chocolate” in the GP hall with cookies. All products consumed will be fairtrade. Pupils will sample Fairtrade chocolate and participate in a Fairtrade Poster competition. Marks & Spencers, Athlone have sponsored two prizes – for Junior & Senior rooms. Winners announced on Friday!!
National Tree Week 2014
We celebrated NTW in Rahara NS on Monday 3rd March by planting a Rowan tree in our biodiversity garden. Two members of the Roscommon Leader Partnership Rural Men’s group visited our school & planted the tree. They included Johnny Byrne and a past pupil, Liam Donnelly. Many thanks!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge takes place in Rahara NS between 10th – 14th March. Pupils will participate in Ceilí dancing, table quizes, aerobics trí gaeilge and a concert. We will have a “Lá Glas” on Friday 14th, whereby pupils may wear anything green to school!
Dates for Diary
First Confession will take place on 26th March @7:30pm in Rahara church.
First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday 4th May @10am in Rahara church.
Confirmation will take place on Wednesday 30th April 2014 @ 11am in Knockcroghery church.
World Book Day
World book day takes place on Thursday 6th March. We will celebrate World Book Day in Rahara NS by dressing up as a character from any book. Pupils are asked to bring their favourite book(s) to school on Thursday.
Swimming lessons
Swimming lessons continue on Monday from 11-12 am. Swimming money is due to be paid by final lesson on Monday 28th April. Thank you.
Work experience
Conor Fallon, past pupil, will carry out work experience in Rahara NS from 24th – 28th March.
Tidy School Awards
Rahara NS received a certificate of Merit award in the Tidy Schools competition 2013.
We received a certificate from GOAL in appreciation for the €117.26 raised during our non-uniform day in November 2013.