Senior Room
The senior room are learning about Europe and the EU. They are also learning about the Celts. We are enjoying our novel “Kensuke’s Kingdom”. The senior maths set are learning about area & volume.
Junior Room
The pupils in the junior room are busy learning about the life cycle of the butterfly. They are learning about primary and secondary colours in art. We are starting the novel “Flat Stanley”. In maths we are learning about fractions and weight.
School Self Evaluation (Numeracy)
Numeracy questionaires will be emailed to you shortly. Please fill out one per child. Hard copies are also available.
Peer Tutoring
All pupils are participating in “peer tutoring” in term 3. Peer tutoring is a buddy reading system which takes place 4 days a week for 30 minutes over an 8 week period. We hope to increase pupils vocabulary and reading ability. This is in conjunction with our school improvement plan in the area of literacy.
Pyjama Day
“Pyjama Day” took place on Friday 11th April. We raised €100 for Bóthar. Our donation will help send an Irish dairy cow or goat to a developing country.
Discover Primary Science
The closing date for the Discover Primary Science award is next week. Mrs. McGowan & pupils are busy compiling our application.
Irish Aid Awards
The senior room participated in the Irish Aid Awards. The pupils created a drama highlighting issues faced by children living in developing countries. We received a certificate of participation.
Trocaire Better World Awards
The whole school participated in the Trocaire Better Schools Awards project. Pupils learned about water and water shortages in developing countries. The senior room composed poems.
The junior pupils worked as water detectives to find all the different water sources in our school. We also compared our lives to Enestina’s in Malawi and learned ways in which we are similar and different.
Dates for Diary:
Staff Meeting
School will close this Thursday 8th May @ 2pm for all pupils to facilitate a staff meeting.
Open Evening
An open evening will take place this Thursday 8th May @ 6pm for all new entrants.
School Closure
School will be closed on Friday 23rd May for polling in the local & European elections.
School Play
All pupils are auditioning for parts in our upcoming play “Alas in Blunderland”. The play will take place at the end of June, venue to be confirmed. It is a whole school production and all pupils will have a part.
Standardised Tests
Standardised tests in Literacy & Numeracy will take place over the coming weeks.
Parental leave
Mrs. Costello was granted parental leave by the BOM from 19th – 30th May. Ms. Martina Fitzmaurice will cover the leave.