Ericsson Visit
The senior pupils will visit Ericsson on the 15th May. This is in conjunction with our Discover Primary Science + Maths Award. Huge gratitude to Seamus Molloy for setting up this exciting trip for the pupils.
One Good Idea Finals
The Electro Girls are thrilled to be representing our school at the SEAI One Good finals in Dublin Castle on the 14th May. The bus will depart Rahara @ 7am sharp and return @ 5pm. Please return all Publicity Consent forms for both pupils and adults attending Dublin Castle. Pupils who do not attend the finals will have a regular school day under the supervision of Mrs. McGowan and Ms. Connolly. The cost of the bus is €10 per person.
8th Green Flag success!
Congratulations to our Green schools committee and co-ordinator, Mrs. McGowan, as we were awarded our 8th Green Flag for Global Citizenship – Marine Environment. This was a team effort over the past 2 years and we are thrilled to be one of the first few primary schools in the country to achieve this award!
The committee will receive their award at a ceremony in the Hodson Bay Hotel on the 21st May.
We will have our own Green Flag celebration in Rahara NS on Friday 14th June @ 11am. This is always a great event with the Army Band adding to the festivities. Save the date!
School will be closed for polling for the upcoming elections on Friday 24th May.
Bank holidays
School will be closed on Monday 6th May, Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th June as per our school calendar.
Eco-Bricks Stools
Please continue to collect soft, clean plastic for our eco-brick stools. We are delighted with our first eco-brick stool and hope to construct another stool in the coming weeks.
Transition year student
Mark O’Malley, TY student, is carrying out work experience in Rahara NS every Wednesday.
New Priamry Language Curriculum Day
School will be closed for all pupils on Friday 31st May as staff undertake training and planning for the new PLC. This closure has been sanctioned by the BOM.
School Tour
The Senior pupils will attend Bay Sports on Thursday 2nd June. The cost of the tour is €30 per pupil.
The Junior pupils will go to the Derryglad Museum and visit the Planet entertainment centre on 11th June. The cost of this tour is €18 per pupil.
Sports Day
Our sports day will take place on Tuesday 18th/25th June, weather permitting.
Soccer fixtures
The FAI soccer blitz for two teacher schools will take place in Lecarrow on Wednesday 1st May @ 11am.
The RDFL soccer blitz will take place in Lecarrow on Wednesday 8th May @ 10:30am. In order to avoid the costs of hiring a bus, we are asking parents to assist with lifts to/from Lecarrow on the above dates.
Pupils must wear shin guards!!
Cumann na mBunscol
The senior room will travel to Pearse’s GAA on Friday 3rd May @10am to participate in the 2 Teacher Schools football competition. The pupils will travel by bus. The cost is €5 per child. Pupils must wear gum shields.
Homework Club
There will be no H.W. club during the last week of June. Our final will take place on Thursday 21st June.
Summer Holidays
School will close @ 12:30pm on Friday 28th June for the Summer holdiays
Spanish Students
We will have a new cohort of Spanish students in Rahara NS between 20th- 24th May and 17th – 20th June. The BOM receives €50 per pupil per week. This is a great way of raising funds for our school.
Standardised Tests
Tests will take place between May 27th – June 7th. Please ensure your child is present on these days.