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Newsletter September 2014

Child Protection

The (DLP) Designated Liasion person is Mrs. Costello. The Deputy DLP is Mrs. McGowan. Our Child Protection policy is updated annually and is available on our school website.


We are obliged to inform (Tusla) the statutory Educational Welfare services of the child and family agency, if a child has missed 20 days or more in the school year. If your child cannot attend school please provide the school with a written note outlining the reason for the absence. For further information see


If you wish to withdraw your child during the school day, please collect your child from the front door and fill in the “sign in/out” book on the table.

School Door Bell

For security reasons we have installed a school door bell. Only staff members can answer the door and it is locked, from the inside, during class time.


Parent/Teacher communication

We have an open-door policy for parents, so please call in or make an appointment to talk to any staff member.


School Self Evaluation



We will continue to focus on the development of vocabulary and oral language in this school year. We saw great success in the improvement of oral language scores and reading fluency in 2013-14. In Term 3, we introduced Peer Tutoring to all pupils. Over an 8 week period we saw an improvement in our pupil’s reading age by an average of 9 months. We are thrilled with these scores and are looking forward to sustaining and improving our great results.


Library Van

Roscommon library van will visit our school once a month for this school year. Pupils are invited to change their books. We have introduced “DEAR” time (Drop Everything And Read) into our daily timetable. Pupils are encouraged to spend 10 minutes reading for pleasure. This is in conjunction with our improving literacy strategy for 2014-15.


This year we will focus on improving pupil’s problem solving ability in Maths.



We are delighted to welcome Ms. Kym O’Reilly to our staff as Learning Support/Resource teacher. Ms O’Reilly will teach in Rahara Tue-Fri and is also available to meet with parents.


Padraig Lohan will continue his role as cleaner/caretaker for the coming year.

Patricia Finneran will continue as secretary and will be here Tuesday and Friday afternoons.


Staff Meeting

There will be a staff meeting on Thursday 2nd October from 2-4pm. All pupils will finish @2pm on that day.


Maths Week

Maths week will take place in Rahara NS from 13th -17th October. We are already looking forward to this exciting, fun filled online maths event.


Swimming lessons will take place in Roscommon pool on Wednesdays from 11-12, starting on 5th November for 7 weeks.

Book Bills

Book bills will be sent home shortly.


10 new Ipad 4’s have been ordered for our school and should be delivered next Wednesday. These will be shared between all pupils.


Cash For Clobber

Please start collecting any old clothing, shoes, household textiles and handbags (no duvets or pillows) We hope to exchange the above for cash and be in with a chance to win a €1500 prize. This is a great way to fundraise for our school whilst raising awareness of textile recycling amongst children. Please do not send in clobber until we have been notified of a collection date--- so get collecting!!


Hurling training will take place on Tuesdays and Gaelic training will take place on Wednesdays. Please ensure your child wears/brings PE gear on those days. Boots and gumshields can be left in school to avoid forgetting them. Gumshields should be clearly labelled and left in the office.


Dates for Diary

First Communion

Sunday 3rd May @ 10am Rahara church.



Monday 13th April @ 11am in Knockcroghery church.




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