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October 2023


School Summer Works We were thrilled to have a freshly painted school to come back to in September. Thank you to Derek Berry Painting for the great job! Thank you also to Cllr. Donal Kilduff, Kilduff Construction, for their maintenance work in the school over the summer. A big thank you to those involved in extending our gate and entrance onto our pitch and making it safer for our school community.

Sports training

  • Our final Gaelic training took place with Ollie Lennon on Thursday 26th of October.  Hurling will continue with Proinsias, weather permitting. 

  • Swimming lessons will take place in the New Year 

  • Pupils will attend Athlone TUS for Athletics commencing Tuesday 9th of April. 

  • Cross Country – The children in the senior room took part in the Roscommon Primary Schools Cross Country Championships on Tuesday 3rd of October. 

  • GOAL Jersey Day took place on Friday 13th of October. 

  • Roscommon Coaching and Games are holding a GAA activity day on Wednesday, November the 22nd for senior pupils in the Connacht GAA Dome in Ballyhaunis. All pupils in the senior room will be attending. The day will start at 10.30am and finish at 1.30pm. Some activities on the day will include Football, Hurling, rounders, orienteering and much more! We will have more details on the cost of the bus after midterm.


Baboró International Arts Festival for Children The children enjoyed a magical performance of “When the Moon Spun Round” in the Black Box Theatre in Galway on Tuesday 17th of October. Inspired by the poetry & stories of W.B Yeats the children were treated to an enchanting collaboration of aerial dance & traditional arts.


All pupils enjoyed our drama workshops as part of the BLAST Arts in Education Residency with Catherine Sheridan-Simon. We were thrilled to have Catherine in Rahara to do the workshops with the children. The junior room did lots of warm up games, melodrama, made letters with their bodies, freeze frame sandwich, tongue twisters, voice warm up games and much more. Our final workshop with Catherine took place on Thursday 26th of October.


Pupils in both the junior and senior room took part in online wellbeing workshops during the months of September & October. The junior room have one wellbeing workshop in November.

Heritage in Schools

We were thrilled to have Heritage in Schools expert, Geraldine O'Sullivan Fabric and Fibre, visit our school to do a workshop with the pupils on Friday 22nd of September. The children were shown how to card wool and they also got an opportunity to try out Geraldine’s spinning wheel and drop spindles just as our ancestors would have done in the past. They also identified plants that can be used for cordage, fibre and dyeing. Who knew the widespread native nettle plant would have so many uses! Geraldine showed the children how to make a basic loom out of cardboard. She then taught them how to make a bracelet by weaving. A wonderful day was had by all.

Roscommon Library Van visited our school on Tuesday 3rd of October and all pupils had the opportunity to choose a book to bring home. This is a fantastic service and we are thrilled to have them come to our school.


Thank you to all our families & Parent and Toddler Group for bringing in treats and donating to our Hospice coffee morning. We raised €156 on Friday 22nd of September.


First Confession will take place on Tuesday, 12th March 2024 at 7.30 p.m. in St. John's Church for Rahara & Glanduff National Schools First Holy Communion will take place in Rahara Church on Sunday, 12th May 2024 at 10:30 a.m.

Afterschool & Morning Club

Afterschool continues to take place from Monday – Thursday with Teresa each week. Morning Club takes place before school every Monday- Friday. We would like to thank all families for paying their weekly fees every Monday.

County Photos

County Photos will take place on Monday 6th of November. Please wear full school uniform on this date.

Parent/Teacher meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday 21st of November in school for Ms. Watson & Ms. Mc Gowan. Times will be communicated with you after the midterm break. Maths Week All pupils took part in Maths week activities during the month of October.

Cash for Clobber

Clear out your Clobber - Collection on Wednesday 8th of November The very popular fundraiser, “Cash for Clobber” collection is coming very soon. If you have a spare hour (the children could help) please have a look at home and see if you have any of the following to fill a bag or more! Old or unwanted, clean, dry clothes, shoes (tied together), handbags, curtains, sheets, duvet covers, towels (pillows & duvets can’t be accepted unfortunately). You can use any strong bin bag.  Please support in any way you can as the collection will raise money to go towards school activities Bag dropping arrangements: Bags can be left in our school shelter from Friday 3rd of November.

Midterm Break

School will close at 3pm on Friday 27th October for Halloween.

Pupils can wear Halloween costumes to school on that day. School will re-open on Monday 6th November.

Parent and Toddler Group continues to take place in our school hall every Friday from 10-12 during school time. Please spread the word with parents, grandparents, and childminders.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

We are taking part in the 'Team Hopes' Shoe Box Appeal. If you want to build your own box they must be returned to the school by Tuesday 7th of November. Alternatively, you can drop them at any Dealz, Toymaster or First Stop by November 10th. Please find more details here if you wish to take part and find out what to put in your box.

Parent’s Association

Thank you to the Parents Association for all their hard work to fundraise for our school. This funding is vital to reduce costs for parents/guardians and it also helps raise money for the school to facilitate experiences the school budget can't cover.

Science Week

We are delighted that the senior room are able to attend the Science Roadshow in the Convent of Mercy, Secondary School on Tuesday 21st of November 2023.This is a full day event where the children will experience the Science in Home Economics, Art and Science. The pupils will depart between 9.30am and 10.00am. The bus will bring them back to school on/before 3.00pm. There will be a fee of €5 per pupil for the bus.

Primary Maths Curriculum School will be closed for all pupils on Thursday 23rd of November to facilitate teacher training for the New Primary Maths Curriculum (PMC). There will be no Afterschool or Morning Club on this day.

Wishing you all a safe and happy midterm break.


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Rahara National School, Rahara Road, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, Ireland F42 XR20

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