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October Newsletter 2022

Music Generation

Music Generation continues to take place every Monday with Paul Shanagher. Pupils from 1st-6th are learning to play the ukulele. Junior & Senior Infants play the tongue drums as well as a variety of other instruments from their music bag! The children enjoy seeing all the unusual instruments that Paul brings to school every week.

Goal Jersey Day

GOAL Jersey Day took place on Friday 14th October. We raised €100 for GOAL. Thank you for your donations.

Sports training

• We will have one more Gaelic training session with Eugen after the midterm break and there will be no more training until Spring.

• Hurling will continue with Proinsias, weather permitting.


Athletics All pupils will attend Athletics in Athlone TUS commencing on Wednesday 9th of November for 5 weeks.


Afterschool continues to take place from 3-4:30pm at €5 per day with Teresa. We ask that afterschool club fees be paid every Monday to Ms. Watson.

County Photos

All forms have now been collected by County Photos. Photographs will be distributed after the mid term break. Photographs can still be ordered online if you wish to purchase them.

Parent/Teacher meetings

Parent Teacher Meetings will take place on Tuesday 15th of November in school for Ms. Watson & Ms. Mc Gowan. Times will be communicated with you after the midterm break.


Maths Week All pupils took part in Maths week activities during the month of October.

Food Dudes week took place on Monday 3rd of October. Well done to all pupils for making a fantastic effort to eat fruit and vegetables.

Cash for Clobber: Thank you for all the donations for our Cash for Clobber collection. We collected a total of 800kg!

World Food Day was celebrated in Rahara on 10th of October. Pupils in the senior room completed projects on various countries around the world. Pupils in both classrooms brought in food from their chosen countries and we had lots of fun sampling food from different nationalities!

Midterm Break

School will close at 3pm on Friday 28th October for Halloween. Pupils can wear Halloween costumes to school on that day. School will re-open on Monday 7th November.

Parent and Toddler Group continues to take place in our school hall every Friday from 10-12 during school time. Please spread the word with parents, grandparents, and childminders.

Parent’s Association

Thank you to all parents for returning the Parent Association forms. The National Parents Council (NPC) will be in touch with our school shortly to facilitate a Parents Association information session. This will be a one-off information evening and the date and time has yet to be confirmed.

PLC School Closure

School will close at 12:00 for all pupils on Thursday 24th November to facilitate teacher training for the new primary language curriculum. There will be no Afterschool on this day.

St. Dominics

Best of luck to all involved in the finals this weekend, especially our very own star player, Ms. Watson. We look forward to seeing the cup after the break! Congratulations to Emily and Giovanni who won the Gaelic footballs that were kindly donated to our school by St. Dominics and well done to all the children for making a super effort to wear the Dominics colours on jersey day.

Wishing you all a safe and happy midterm break.


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