Rahara N.S. Newsletter October 2013
Senior Room
Pupils in the senior room are busy learning about Subtraction and Fractions. We are continuing to write procedures and are currently writing procedures about magic potions!
We are learning the poem “Witches Chant” and have responded to this through our charcoal art lesson depicting “Wizened faces”
We continue to learn our Nathanna Cainte and our frasaí na seachtaine. All classes will learn about fire safety this week.
Junior Room
The junior room had great fun looking and responding to masks from around the world. They discussed the characteristics of masks & why different cultures might wear them. This inspired them to make their own unique masks. They are learning the rap” Púca,Púca” in Gaeilge. We are focusing on sentence writing, spooky sounds and speech marks in English.
Science Week 2013
All pupils will attend a Science Week show in AIT on Tuesday 12th November @ 1pm. A bus will be provided to take pupils to and from the venue. The Science Week show will run in conjunction with Discover Primary Science and Maths Award.
Child Protection
Our child protection policy has been updated. A copy is available for parents on request.
Ms Duignan will be our Learning Support teacher for the next four weeks as Ms Malone attends a Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Support in UCD.
Please ensure pupils bring football boots to school on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Please ensure pupils bring gumshields and shin guards on Wednesdays.
Book Fair
The Scolastic Book Fair will take place in Rahara NS between 6th -12th November in the GP hall.
Head Lice
It has come to our attention that we have head lice present in our school. Please check and treat all hair over the Mid Term break.
Mid Term
School closes @3pm on Friday 25th October for Mid-Term and re-opens on Monday 4th November @ 9:20am.
Pupils can wear fancy dress costumes on Friday 25th October.
First Holy Communion
A talk for parents of First Holy Communicants will take place on Wednesday 13th November @ 8pm in Knockcroghery NS.
A talk for parents of Confirmation children will take place on Monday 2nd December @8pm in Knockcroghery NS.
Maths Week 2013
Congratulations to all pupils in Rahara NS who participated in the Target Board competition. The senior room came in a successful 5th place overall in Ireland in the target board competition. They completed 3731 maths operations during the week!
The junior room featured on Mondays & Wednesdays daily leader board in the 6th & 8th position. Maths week is an all island celebration of Maths.
The Third class pupils participated in the Maths Eye competition and took photos around the school of shapes in our environment.