Senior Room
Pupils in the senior room are learning about procedural writing.
We are focusing on “Nathanna Cainte” in Irish lessons.
Irish & English packs must be returned every fortnight both read and signed.
We have adopted a team teaching approach to numeracy in the senior room this year. Mrs. Costello is teaching the 5th & 6th class set and Ms. Malone is teaching the 3rd & 4th class set.
Junior Room
Pupils in the junior room are settling into their new class very well!
The boys and girls have been learning poems and songs about the seasons. They created beautiful autumn tree paintings using the “pointillism” technique.
School Milk Scheme
We hope to register our school with the school milk scheme this year. Please fill in the attached form if you wish your child to receive milk everyday. The cost per child per week is approximately €1.08 for a daily 189ml carton.
Book bills
Please return book rental/art& photocopying, etc. money by end of September.
Strokestown Park House
The senior pupils will travel to Strokestown Park House on Thursday 19th September as part of a History field trip. We are learning about buildings in our area. The cost of the trip is €13 per child.
Mrs. McGowan, our new junior room teacher will be starting with us on Thursday 26th September. We look forward to meeting her!
Polling Day
Rahara NS will be closed on Friday 4th October to facilitate voting in the referendum.
Staff Meeting
School will finish at 2pm for all pupils on Thursday 3rd October to facilitate a staff meeting.
Mid Term
School closes @3pm on Friday 25th October for Mid-Term and re-opens on Monday 4th November @ 9:20am.
School Opening times
School opens at 9:20am sharp. We thank parents for adhering to these times.
Curricular Plan
We have updated our whole school plan for Gaeilge. This is available for parents to view in the office, if they wish.
Gaelic & soccer training takes place on Wednesdays. Please ensure each child wears plain navy, grey or black tracksuit bottoms. Each child must have a gumshield, shin-guards and football boots/runners.